Our Company Ethos

Who We Are and How We Serve You and Your Team

We provide fast-paced, short duration, tried and tested, team-focused opportunities to dramatically change the way you think and act. Our seasoned special operations leaders and mentors guide you and your team to success, and help you create a better vision for tomorrow today.

We have an uncommon desire to help you achieve at high levels, taking the path of greater resistance if necessary. We’ll help you forge through adversity, making you stronger and better as an individual and as part of a team.

We identify our clients’ top organizational development and leadership development needs and fold these into our action-oriented approach and four foundational pillars. In doing so, we humbly hold ourselves accountable and place your welfare before ours.

We are honorable to ourselves and you, always. Our uncompromising integrity, character, and word define us, and help us define you.

We lead and follow by example; task before ego, team before self. We help you understand the importance and value to you and your team when you do both well.

Setbacks are opportunities to learn, grow, and continue to achieve at higher levels. That which does not harm us makes us stronger; we’ll show you why.

Our discipline, innovative spirit, and resilience define who we are, and how we help you.

Our Holistic, Action-Oriented Approach Will Positively Influence You and Your Team

Mind+Body+Spirit = Equilibrium

Our holistic approach focuses on the relationship between mind, body, and spirit and helps us to understand and enable others to become better attuned to themselves and to live a fuller life.

Higher Consciousness = Higher Awareness

Our own consciousness is not housed in any one part of us but is instead an integration of the mind, body, and spirit… The whole self. A deeper understanding of the whole self lends itself to greater self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-acceptance.

(Mind+Body+Spirit) x Team = Elemental Edge

Here’s a ‘life progression’ to strive for in all aspects of our lives.

Unconscious Incompetence > Conscious Incompetence > Conscious Competence > Unconscious Competence

Why the physical or ‘action-oriented’ component to our training? We all learn better when there’s a ‘do’ component. When some form of physical activity occurs and ‘imprints’ on us, it is stored to be used again, improved upon, then used again and again until its unconscious competence, in our subconscious.