Ethos: What’s Yours?

‘In times of uncertainty…there is a special breed…a common person with an uncommon desire to succeed…standing alongside others to serve our country, our people, and protect our way of life.’ –Paraphrases of the US Navy SEAL ethos.   Big expectations. …


Choices and the Squirrel Cage Dilemma

Choices and the Squirrel Cage Dilemma by Bill Atkinson of Elemental Edge Training

At 226 Pearl Street, Council Bluffs, Iowa stands the Squirrel Cage Jail. Built in 1885, it contains three floors of revolving, pie-shaped cells inside a ‘squirrel cage.’ The object of the design was to jail offenders with little to no personal …


How to be a Balanced Team Player

How to be a Balanced Team Player by Bill Atkinson of Elemental Edge Training.

Thank you, Sue Shellenbarger, senior writer, and columnist, at the Wall Street Journal, for a recent post in LinkedIn that directed me to your article ‘You Could be too Much of a Team Player.’ As a former career (SEAL) Team …


Your Teams, Our Training: Making You the Best

When a group of people comes together as a true team, they can accomplish anything. But what makes for a true team? Coordination doesn’t just happen. It takes dedication and consistent effort for a group of people to work together. So, if you want to create a successful team, you have to understand that it isn’t going to happen overnight. It will take hard work, but the rewards will be well worth the effort.


Accountability is Character

What exactly is Character? More than that, how is it developed? Accountability is character. You see, character doesn’t just happen. It has to be grown over time. Every time you make the right decision when the wrong one was easier, every time you push yourself a little farther than you thought you could go, every time you hold yourself accountable when no one else will: you are developing your character.


Open Water Swimming: An Adventure, Not Just a Workout

Their power to analyze technique and to motivate is what sets the team at Elemental Edge Training apart. That power comes from a passion for what they do. To understand that passion, you need only pay attention to how they talk about the open water and what it means to each of them.


Training vs. Technique

I’ve been swimming competitively most of my life. One thing I’ve learned is, if you go to the pool every day just to swim laps, you will become the world’s leading expert at swimming like yourself. You have to switch your focus from training to technique if you really want to become a more efficient swimmer. Use practice to refine your technique and you will produce much bigger dividends. Over time, you will learn how to get the most out of every stroke. With the right kind of practice, you can slice through the water with less effort and greater efficiency.


Water Matters

Human beings have long held water to be a magical and life-giving substance. From the mythical fountain of youth, to the waters of life, our history is full of stories about the magical qualities of water. It’s no wonder our ancestors came to revere water so much. It’s essential to survival, which is difficult when clean drinking water is scarce. But it’s more than that. It’s more than just survival. Water nourishes us in so many more ways than simply hydrating our bodies.


Swimming: A Lifelong Venture and Adventure

I have always been fascinated with the open sea. Swimming is an amazing way to get exercise and extend your life, but it’s so much more than that. Swimming in the open water is an adventure. The wind, waves, and currents offer a challenge that a pool never will. When I swim, I feel connected, body and mind, in a world of weightlessness.


The Healing Power of Water

All life on Earth began in the oceans, making its way from the sea to land. Our bodies are roughly 70% water, and so we still carry those humble beginnings with us today. To us, water is magical and healing in all its forms. We drink it. We cleanse ourselves with it. We play on it. We play in it.